Knowledge-based Certifications Services

My Certifications

Access the resource center, complete your certification, print your certificate, adjust  your name in the directory. Choose your resource center.

My Open Badges

Access your current badges, print a certificate and more. Login


Find information about the examinations of all knowledge-based certification programs.

Examination Fees

Find the examination fees for all knowledge-based certifications.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Find out if you are entitled to receive additional time to take your exam and how.

Advice Sheet for candidates

Essential for all candidates. Download and read.

Examination Policies

Essential for all candidates. Read.

Complete your Certification

Instructions on how to complete your Certification and create your certificate.

Vouchers terms and conditions

Essential for all candidates who use a voucher to book an examination. Download and read.


Consult the Frequently Asked Questions on Knowledge-based Certifications, examinations and more.