Open Agile Architecture™ Practitioner Exam
Exam Summary
- Exam Name: Open Agile Architecture™ Practitioner Exam
- Exam Number:
- OGAA-001 - English
- OGAA-C01 - Simplified Chinese
- Qualification upon passing: Open Agile Architecture™ Practitioner
- Delivered at: Authorized Examination Provider Test Centers and also available as an Online Proctored exam.
- Prerequisites: None
- Supervised: Yes
- Open Book: No
- Exam type: Simple Multiple choice
- Number of questions: 40
- Pass score: 70% (28 out of 40 questions)
- Time limit: 60 minutes (*)
- Retake policy: If you fail the test you must wait one month before another attempt
- Examination Fee: See Fees
- Recommended Training: Attend an Accredited Training Course covering the Open Agile Architecture Practitioner conformance requirements. See the Open Agile Architecture Register of Accredited Training Courses. (***)
- Next Steps:
- Take the exam after training with an Open Agile Architecture Accredited Training Course provider
OR - Self-study and Schedule your exam with The Open Group Exam provider
- Take the exam after training with an Open Agile Architecture Accredited Training Course provider
(*) Additional time may be provided for people taking an English language exam for whom English is not their first language. Please see for more information.
(**) All Accredited Training Courses include the examination as part of the course fee. A voucher is provided to take the exam with The Open Group Examination Provider. Local taxes may apply.
(***) To prepare for a certification exam The Open Group recommends Open Agile Architecture Practitioner training prior to taking the exam. Please note that we do not claim that by taking courses you are guaranteed to pass the certification exams, however we do state that training is an important component in certification preparation.